The surgery went well, ovary gone, although it was my favorite since it was my only one, and the source of my two terrific boys. The worrisome nodule popped right out, leaving all the doctors certain it was nothing.
Then came the biopsy.
I can't believe I have cancer.
I went in for a full-body CT scan that takes images of the entire torso, and Mickey and I will meet with our new oncologist on Wednesday, 12/10. She will give us the results and outline our plan.
I say us because it's more than me. It will be us in this together; Mickey, Jesse, Christian and me. And all my family. And all my friends.
Here's what I really, really hope: The only cancer in my body was on my ovary and my years of living with endometriosis was a blessing because if I hadn't gone in for that ultrasound, well the cancer would have grown and grown and silently killed me like my sister, Janet.
Here's what I really, really worry about hearing: The cancer's everywhere and I have a short time to get my affairs in order, kiss my husband and kids goodbye and try to figure out what I really believe about the afterlife.
The most likely outcome? Somewhere in the middle. More surgery, chemotherapy, other bad stuff.
Jesse says, "Mom, if that little 2-year old down the street can beat cancer, so can you!"
Christian says, "Mom, it's all rather shocking, isn't it?"
Mickey says, "Let's wait and see what the doctor says."
It's going to be a long week.
You are so brave! You still have a sense of humor. I have the feeling that that would be the first thing to go if I were in your situation.
Chin up. We are all waiting for news from you Wednesday appointment with the oncologist.
Me again. Waiting anxiously for word from your oncologist. I'll check every once in awhile, then call if you don't post anything.
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