In ovarian cancer, there is a marker called CA125, for which they test your blood. It measures the antigen a body makes in response to ovarian cancer. The normal range is from 0-35. At the end of December, after both surgeries, my CA125 was 175. This means that even though the cancerous tumor had been removed 1-1/2 months prior, my body was still fighting the presence of cancer somewhere inside.
At the end of January, even before my first chemo treatment, my CA125 was measured again and was--duh ta duh--11! Yes, 11. As in between 10 and 12! That means that my body's immune system kicked in and kicked out the cancer. And I have no doubt that it was supported and strengthened by the acupuncture I began the first of January. And it helps that I'm now eating almost all organic, too!
And, yes, I am still going to finish out my 3 chemo treatments. And afterwards I will, probably for the rest of my long and exciting life, watch those CA125 numbers. But I feel so grateful for my strong, healthy body that is performing exactly the way God designed it to do.
I have wonderful photos for all of you who participated in the "wear purple for Joan's birthday." Thanks so much for all those great pix. I'm trying to figure out how to get them on the website--or at least put the link in to the gallery.
I also have pictures of the great haircut. I have received many compliments from this very short style. I keep catching glimpses of myself in mirrors or reflected off windows and I immediately think, "Who is that boy?" But I'm slowly getting used to it. The other day when I was doing laundry, every time I'd lean over the washing machine, I'd reach up to flip my imaginary locks back over my shoulder. It reminds me of the "phantom limb" theory that tells of amputees still feeling pain in their missing parts. But I was missing my hair getting in the way. And then I realized something embarrassing. I am a hair flipper! OMG! The boys like the new style. They say I look like Aunt Carma and Aunt Denise.
I have begun to experience something called chemo brain. It's sort of like pregnancy brain and nursing brain. I'll start going somewhere and then forget what I'm in the middle of. This morning I forgot to take Elka to the groomer. Now I have to wait until Tuesday. And she stinks--she rolled in poop. Yuck. Jesse tried to clean her up, but she's a wiggler. Better to let the professionals handle it.
Hope you're all well and enjoying life. I know I am!
11! 11! 11! Hurray! I will be following your CA125 (is that the right number?) for the rest of your long and happy life, too. I'm so happy that you are eating well and taking good care of yourself. I feel so happy!
xo 11 ox
Woo Hoo! I am so thrilled for you! :)
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